
What does it mean to have faith in Jesus Christ?

In order for our faith to lead to salvation, it must be centered in the Lord Jesus Christ. To have faith in Jesus Christ means to trust Him and obey His commandments. Faith is much more than passive belief. We express our faith through action—by the way we live.
Young Women: We had a great stake conference and than ward conference with so many wonderful leaders to guide and direct us.
Please take a moment to think about the title of this lesson: What does it mean to have faith in Jesus Christ?  Come with your ideas and share what your thoughts are on this.

Sister Sperry (& Sister Wakefield who will be team teaching with Molly for me)



Why do I need to forgive others?
"The Atonement is the most important doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and a correct understanding of it is the most important knowledge anyone can gain in their life. Many people have a belief in Christ, but don’t fully understand the extent of Christ’s sacrifice, Christ died so that everybody on earth could live again, and not suffer the consequences of their sins. Christ offers us help in making correct decisions that we would never have the power to make otherwise."

Part of making correct decisions is the ability to forgive.  We will discuss the relationship of the atonement and forgiveness.  Please come prepared to share your thoughts and experiences on what you have learned about forgiveness and think of a time when forgiving someone has helped you feel peace and love?

Love you ALL - Sister Sperry


Lesson Review: Sunday March 3

Our lesson this past Sunday was on how the Atonement can help us in our trials. I talked about a talk from Elder Holland called "An High Priest of Good Things to Come." Sister King posted the Mormon Message that tells a story from that talk on her Facebook--I decided to post it here as well. It really is a wonderful message!